Thursday 4 February 2010

Synopsis and Treatment for “Late for the Bus” music video Synopsis The main idea of what are music video will look like is a running sequence that is made up of real life filming of the actors running and a computer generated video from which we are going to use running sequences that are in it, so it allows the two videos to flow into each other. The length of our music video is going to be around 3 minutes and 30 seconds and this is how long our music that we have prepared is. The video starts with George in the college atrium Mike (his friend) then runs over to him and tells him that they are going to miss their bus if they don’t hurry up so they run to the bus station but just as they get there the bus that they wanted to get is pulling out of the bus station and so they miss their bus. The next part of the music video shows Mike reminding George that they could catch the train if they get to the train station on time – George agrees with him and they then start running to the train station so that they can catch the train. The next part of the video is a mixture of Mike and George running and clips from the Assassins Creed video that we are using. The places that they run through include the streets in Ipswich, Christchurch Park, The river bridge outside the train station and Ipswich town centre. The last part of the video is the sequence when Mike and George then arrive at the train station, but unfortunately they have missed their train which means that they have no way of getting home. Treatment The costumes, cinematography, location and prop’s are the areas of Mise-En-Scene that we are using for our music video. The use of costumes in our music video only consists of 2 grey hoodies, 2 pairs of shoes and 2 pairs of jeans which are being worn by the cast members in our music video and are the only costumes that we need. The locations that we are filming in are ones that we have picked that we feel suit our style of music video and these include Ipswich train station, Ipswich Bus station, Princes Street Bridge - which is located in front of the train station, Christchurch Park in Ipswich and Suffolk New College - inside and outside. We feel that these locations are good because they suit the video and the music which is what we wanted to achieve. The uses of cinematography that we are using in our music video include the size of the shots that we are using. The main shots that we are using in our video are; long shots, wide shots, MCU’s and close – ups. We chose these shots because we feel that they are the kinds of shots that suit this style of music video as they are varied and add more to the visuals of the music video. Another use of cinematography that we are going to use is a variety of camera movement because we think that the shots will look a lot more interesting if some of the shots are filmed with different camera movements and possibly different camera angles. In our music video we are using non-diegetic sound which means that it is sound that from sources outside of the action of our music video. The source that we are using to add our music from is a computer program called Garage Band. The reason is because we have already created the music for our music video because it makes it easier to film just the video with no background sound. The type of editing that we are going to use to edit our music video is called continuity editing which means that the action in our film is constantly flowing and has no disruption between shots that stops the flow of the music video. The program that we are going to use to edit the music video is called Final Cut Pro which is a program that allows you to edit video clips and so this program will be useful as it can do the job we need it to do. Our target audience is aged between 16-24, we feel that this is our target audience because this is the kind of music that would appeal to them and we feel that they will enjoy it because it is upbeat and the music flows really well. We also feel that the images that we are using to create our music video suite the age group of 16-24 because all of the images that we have shot fit in well with the music and the computer game footage is what this age group enjoy watching and so we feel that they will like it because all of the elements flow together well.

TIM THE REST OF MY WORK IS ON MY INITial skills blog here is the link

Evaluation My responsibilities during the making of this project included helping to complete the post-production paperwork, being in charge of the camera controls and making sure that the shots that we were filming were correct and helping to edit the rough and final copy of our music video. My main job in our production was to operate the video camera and to make sure that the shots were correct and this was a fairly difficult job to do as I had to make sure that none of the shots were shot out of continuity and that they were the right shots for the video. During the production I also had to help with the pre-production paperwork which was hard a first but after we got most of it out of the way we were able to complete it all which was the same when we were editing. I feel that my contribution during the making of this project was good because I helped in most of the areas of the post production including the paperwork and I also helped during the making of the music video by helping to find suitable locations and making sure that the shots were the right ones. But as well as the good parts of my contributions I feel that I could have been more involved with the editing of the video because I feel that I could have added more to the editing if I had contributed more to the editing. I feel that I have picked up some new skills and knowledge during the making of this production including I now have a better knowledge of how to make camera shots look more interesting by changing the sizes of the shots, and experimenting with some shots to see if they looked like ones that we could use in our video. And I have also found that there is a lot of paperwork needed to be completed to produce this kind of production and that if some parts aren’t completed then your entire project can be ruined and my knowledge of this now means that I understand what is needed to complete this production. The technical qualities of our finished video were really good and the images fitted really well when we combined them with the music that we had created which also fitted well with the rest of the technical things that we had produced, the editing of our music video was also good and it made the images fit better with the music than it did to start with. I we were going to do this project again I think that I would make sure that the camerawork was better because if we could change it then I think it would make the video would look a lot better than it does at the moment. I think that our use of Mise-En-Scene was effective because I think that we had picked good locations for our video shots and that they fitted in well with the costumes and the props that we had picked to use because they were suited to the style and genre of our music video. I feel that our use of Cinematography was good during the making of this production was good because we made sure that the shot sizes were correct and that they looked good at the end of the filming, I also think that we did use the ability to move the camera during shots to an effective level because the shots all looked varied and they also flowed into each other well. I feel that our ideas did come across well in the finished piece because in the final production of our music video I feel that we did use the aspect of cinematography, research and genre to our advantage whilst the filming of our music video because we managed to include all of these in our video and we were able to use them to a good effect in the final editing. I think that I we were to do this project again then we would improve upon some of the aspects of our video including the camerawork which we could have improved on by including some more shots other than the cast just running, the style of the shots that we used and the locations that we used. And I feel that I we changed these aspects of our video then we would have a very good video. The feedback that we gathered from the audience that we screened our video to was mostly saying that the video was good in some areas such as the way that we had panned certain shots, the way that we used a good variety of shots and the connection between the video game footage and the footage that we had shot. One of the ways that we were told that we could use to improve our video included using a variety of some shots such as not using so many of the shots of the cast running through the college grounds. Things that went right on this project for us include the way that we created and filmed the production and also the way that we managed to not only get the work done that we needed but we also had fun whilst doing it. One thing that went wrong on this project for us was when we realised that two of our shots needed to be changed and so we had to re-shoot them before editing them onto our final cut. Overall I feel that our production went really well and that our group worked really well as a team, and I think that if we were to do this project again then we would improve upon some of the aspects of our video such as the use of some of the locations that we picked because we could have then had some more different shots. And I think overall that we did produce a good music video in the end.
Interactive Media Platforms

Interactive media platforms are what we use to access different forms of media. There are loads of different ways that we consume media one way is by using phones to download music and videos ,I-pods to stream and download videos and the internet which is what we use to access websites and also download and upload videos and music.

One platform that we all use regularly is the World Wide Web which allows you to watch or stream films from the internet and you can also view and download images, music and films from the internet which means that you then have a copy of them. Email attachments are another platform and these allow us to send homemade videos to other people such as your friends and family with ease, viruses and junk mail are attached to some emails and can be annoying to those who get them.
Another platform is the DVD which is better form rather than the VCR which was the best platform before DVD. DVD’s allow you to watch films that had previously come out at the cinema which means that the audience can watch it whenever they want because they have the film. A second form of DVD is Blu-Ray technology which makes the DVD have better quality pictures and sounds and so adds to the experience of watch the film outside of the cinema screen. CD ROMs are a platform that allows you to transfer files from computers to other digital media platforms such as a CD music player. Another platform that allows you to watch videos outside of the cinema are Kiosks, Kiosks are small self service information centres that allow you to watch videos, pay bills, surf the internet etc some people use Kiosks as a way to pay bills or money in to their bank account because they are open on some days that other places aren’t.
A platform of interactive media that is used by companies to make pitches are Presentations, presentations allow you to use computers or other forms of media to explain your idea. A program that allows you to create presentations easily is Microsoft PowerPoint; this program is easy to use and allows you to make small or large presentations that can then be used to back up your ideas, which is why companies use them for pitches. A platform that is used through TV is the Red Button which allows you to access extras from TV programs and they also allow you to get up-to-date news and information from your TV at your leisure and this means that you aren’t behind with the latest news. Another main platform of interactive media are mobile devices such as Phones, PDA’s and Games Consoles Phones and PDA’s allow you to stream videos off the internet on to them and allow you to then watch them whenever you want.
And Games Consoles allow games to be played on-line using multiplayer games which allow loads of players to play the same game at the same time even on the same console. Two examples of Games Consoles that allow multiplayer games to be played on-line and X-BOX 360’S and Sony Play station 3’s.

Uses of Video in Interactive Media

Short films are one of the uses of Video in Interactive Media and are used because they are a way to show films that are small, short films are better than long films because long films take up a lot of time and the short film don’t and more people like to watch short films rather than long films. An example of a short film is an animated film. This is a good example of a short film because the sequences are short because they take up a lot of time to film a good example of an animated short film is Wallace and Gromit because this is a form of stop frame animation. Promotional material such as trailers and adverts are used as video content in interactive media and are used to promote films and products. Films use trailers as promotional material to advertise the film and to promote it so that they get more people wanting to watch the film, companies use adverts to promote their products so that they can get people to buy and use them which means that films and products can be promoted cheaply and easily.

Film trailers as mentioned above are used to promote the film before and during the main film’s release date into the cinema, an example of a popular film trailer that promoted the main film extremely well is Star Wars this film trailer promoted the film really well because it captured a lot of peoples attention and made them want to watch the film which is what a film trailer is supposed to do. User Generated content is another use of video in interactive media and is made by people to promote themselves and their music/product and this allows them to boost the sale of their product/music. Viral Marketing is used in interactive media videos as a way to promote products such as computers and mobile phones an example of viral marketing is the Cadbury’s Gorilla advert that was shot in 2007 which was used to promote the Cadbury’s chocolate bar and which was a huge hit on many websites. This form of marketing is clever as it doesn’t promote the video as it would be normally as it doesn’t reveal/talk about the product in a huge amount of detail because that isn’t the aim of the advert because the actual aim of the advert is to grab the viewers attention. Here are some viral marketing videos as shown below:

Cadbury's Gorrila viral Advert:

Sussex Safer Roads Partnership viral advert:

Another use of video in interactive media is advertising; advertising is used to promote products and influence people’s decisions into buying them. An example of advertising of a product is the video created by a guy imitating Guitar Hero on his by which was named Bike Hero.
Here is the video below:

Virtual Reality is another popular use of video in interactive media because it allows you to visit locations without having to go there. Virtual tours of museums, wedding venues and football stadiums allow you to see the location without going there and are very popular because people don’t want to have to travel to the location because they would rather do it in their own home. Video games are effective uses of video in interactive media because they are becoming more popular because they are becoming more virtual based and this means that young people are more interested in them.
Another use of video in interactive media is a program called E – Learning which allows you to do different videos clips and is a Virtual Learning Environment that allows you to do loads of different things on E-Learning.

Video in Interactive Media Technologies

Video Compression
Video compression reduces the quantity of data used to represent digital video images to create a smaller file but the video images are low quality.

A Codec is a device or computer program capable of encoding and or decoding a digital signal or data stream. And are used to compress a file to make it smaller e.g. 400mb is lowered to 8mb.

Streaming and Download
Streaming allows you to watch video files “live” and downloading is a way of receiving or sending data onto a memory system such as phones, I-pods etc.

Interactive Video Formats

(Moving Picture Image Expert Group)

(Audio Video Interleave)

Is a movie that can be played through QuickTime player.

(Windows Media Video) can only be played through Windows.

Band width is a measure of available or consumed data communication resources and can vary depending on how fast your internet connection is.

Frame Rates
Frame rates, or frame frequency is the frequency at which an imaging device produces unique consecutive images known as frames.

Screen Resolutions
Screen resolutions are made up of a number of distinct pixels in each dimension that can be displayed on a monitor screen.

File Sizes
Files sizes are typically measured in bytes and measure the size of the computer file.

Picture Ratios
Picture ratios are measured by dividing the width by the height of the picture.

Digital Rights Movement
Digital Rights Movement is basically used to protect and secure digital content and can be used to restrict content such as Adult sites.

Media Players

(Digital Versatile Disc) is an optical disc storage media format and its main uses are video and data storage

I-player is an internet TV service and an example of a TV service site is BBC I-PLAYER

QuickTime is a program developed by Apple and is capable of handling various formats of digital video, media clips etc.

Windows Media Player
Windows Media Player is developed by Windows and is capable of the same formats as QuickTime.

Real media player is a closed source cross-platform media player that plays MP3, QuickTime and Windows Media Player.

Embedded Video
Embedding allows videos to be posted onto a blog or website using an embed code.

Video Tagging
Video Tagging allows you to label videos to then allow for easier access for friends and family to see it which is a quick link that doesn’t take long to load.