Tuesday 5 January 2010

Task 2 - Contempory Music Video Research

Purposes of Research

Research helps you to answers questions that you have and it helps you to understand more about the subject that you are trying to research. Not doing research means that you can't go into detail about the subject, because you have no information about the subject.

Primary Research
Primary research is research that you have done yourself, an example of primary research are questionnaires because they are research that you have collected yourself so that you can find out about your chosen subject.

Secondary Research
Secondary research is research that has not been done by you , examples of secondary research are format such as the internet, books, magazines etc these formats are places where you can get secondary research easily and quickly, rather than having to carry out your own research.

The two contemporary music videos I have been analysing are Beyonce-Single Ladies and Beyonce-Crazy in Love.

The first video I have been analysing is Beyonce-Single Ladies which is directed by Jake Nava and produced by RedZone entertainment. There is a lot of interesting uses of mise-en-scene in this music video. The main uses of mise-en-scene in this video include
the costumes which consist of black coloured leotards and high-heels for Beyonce and the two backing dancers which are coloured specifically so that they blend in with the colours of the background wich has been achieved by this video as the costumes do fit well with the background. The second use of mise-en-scene in this music video is the location in which this video was filmed which appears to be just a medium size TV studio which shows that the budget for this video was small (around £5,000),you can tell this because the location is a basic setting for a music video to be shot in.The background for this video is just plain white which fits in well with the costume colours and is linked to the location because the location is basic and the colour of the background is a basic colour which again shows that this music video had a small budget.

The camera work and lighting which are the Cinematography elements used in this music video are mainly used to alteer the stlye of this music video. The lighting used in this video is low leveled and is focused at just the background so that the background and the foreground are seperated,the level of the lighting is low in this video because it is being shot in Black and White and so you don't need to brighten up background and foreground colours because they are supposed to be dull. the camera shots are mostly basic with a few high angle shots, with the cameras following all of the action . The camera shots have been used to influence the style of the music video as most of the action is fast paced and so the camera shots are used to show the action in the video as being fast paced.

There is a relationship between the music and the visuals on screen in this video and you can tell this because the music is up-beat and flowing and the visuals on the screen are synchronised to flow with the pace of the music.

The genre for this music video is R&B and you can tell this because R&B has a fast up-beat to it which is exactly what this video has, and the main instuments that are used to make R&B music are drum kits, background vocalists and horns and all of these are used in this music video making the genre R&B.

I feel that the intended audience for this music video are aged between 25-35 years old because the music is the kind of music that this age group listen to because it is up-beat and the music fits the video.

The second music video I have been analysing is Beyonce-Crazy in Love which is directed by Jake Nava.There is a lot of interesting uses of mise-en-scene in this music video.The main uses of mise-en-scene in this video include the costumes which consist of mainly of tracksuits for the other dancers and a tank top, short shorts, and red high-heels for Beyonce. These costumes provide colour to the video and they suit the stlye of the video genre which is R&B and you can tell this because the style of the costumes and the style of the video are R&B related.The second use of mise-en-scene is location in which this music video was filmed,the locations that this video were filmed are an abandoned warehouse and backstreets in a town or city.This is a good location for this music video as it allows for a variety of camera angles and shots and so the video doesnt lose any action sequences because they can all be captured without the location interfering,you can tell that the budget for this video is small (around £5,000) because the visual effects and the location are fairly basic and don't have the same effects as some high budget visual effects and locations.

The uses of cinematography in this video are lighting and camera angles.The lighting for this video is mainly forced lighting which is focus on the foreground so that the music artist is seperated from the background,but there is a small amount of natural light aswell which is used well and the natural light isn't too bright so the video can be shot outside without the light affecting the video in a bad way by being too bright.The camera shots used in this video are pretty much just wide shots,MCU's,long shots,high angle and moving shots etc. these shots are used to this videoes advantage as the shots are varied and are'nt are just normal basic shot all the way through.

There is a relationship between the music and the visuals on screen and you can tell this because the music is suited to the visuals on screen as the visuals are in time with the music and the visual are constantly moving because the music is always moving and so the music needs to be moving all of thetime so that it can keep up with the visuals movement.

The genre for this music video is R&B and you can tell this because R&B has a fast up-beat to it which is exactly what this video has, and the main instuments that are used to make R&B music are drum kits, background vocalists and horns and all of these are used in this music video making the genre R&B.

I feel that the intended audience for this music video are aged 20+ because the music will appeal to anyone over the age of 20 and won't appeal so much to a younger generation.

Below is the link to the music video Beyonce-Crazy In Love

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